
Have you ever wanted something that seems quite obvious, but never seems to get built?

I love my gadgets, I love sci-fi and every time I read something by William Gibson or Peter F Hamilton I am consumed with lust for technology. I read Spook Country recently and had a nagging need for a macbook, which so far due to having no money, I have managed to avoid doing. Each time I finish something by Peter F Hamilton, I look into getting solar panels for my roof, or a wind turbine etc. Now being deluded that I myself can write novels, I attempt to do so. To this end I have bought a series of handheld computers for the express purpose of writing when i am out of the house and find myself with time on my hands. I have bought a laptop, a psion handheld and a series of palm devices with connectable or infra red keyboards. I currently use a palm and fold-up wireless keyboard and it is great, it does the job. Being a gadget freak I tend to daydream about how I could make my portable writing solution better. This is my concept, it's nothing wonderful, just an amalgamation of technology that is out there but doesn't seem to have been brought together in this way. Here is my mash-up, I call it the watch-processor. Forgive my feeble attempts at illustration, I would never make a visual artist.

What is it? It's a mobile phone and a watch, both function exactly as intended, you can have all the functionality of music, video player, camera and text/voice communication, mobile internet etc. The new part is that the whole thing doubles as a portable word processing workstation. The mobile phone incorporates two newish technologies which are available / in the works as we speak. The first is a DLP pico-projector. Which simply put, is a tiny projector that fits inside current mobile phone case sizes. The second is the laser projection keyboard which is an actual product you can buy. With both of these in the phone, you can stand it on it's end on the desk and project a large screen on the wall, and also have a keyboard projected on the desk surface in front of you which works as normal,  I don't know what the resolution is so far on these things but hopefully it is better than current phone screens.

In ideal conditions I hope it could be like using a desktop PC, in less than ideal conditions still better than trying to word process using a mobile phone size screen. The watch comes in as storage and PC connection. There is no real need for this to be on a watch. It could be built into the phone. I like the idea of it being separate however. Why you ask, well it means you can carry your data with you safely at all times.

I sometimes carry a usb stick, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I have my phone and at other times It's left in my jacket in my locker at work. What I am trying to get at is, sometimes, I have need of something I can plug into a PC and store files, and sometimes I don't have my phone or usb stick on me or don't have a cable to connect it to a PC with no bluetooth etc. So What the watch would do is have a usb cable you could attach to a PC tucked out of the way under the watch on a small retractable cable. It would also have say an SD card slot.

Now I never take my watch of and can't remember the last time one got broken on my wrist, I have had usb sticks get crushed in my rucksack however. I don't take my watch off much at all. So I should never be in a position that I don't have usb storage on me ever again. Obviously this thing would have issues with waterproofing but should be as good in the rain as an average mobile phone.

For Sony Ericsson and Nokia think of it, you can sell a watch and a phone as a pair and have them match etc. Think of the bluetooth connectivity between them, you could dial the phone by touching number buttons around the wrist strap instead of having to take the phone out of your pocket, the watch screen could be a second display for the phone.

Imagine this, you are walking down the street, your phone rings in your pocket and you look at your watch and see it's your friend calling. You tap the answer button on your watch and talk into the watch mic and hear the voice on speakers in the watch, you realize that it's going to be more than a few second conversation, so you pull out your bluetooth earpiece and change to it. Your friend tells you about some news that will interest you, after saying goodbye, you touch your wrist to hang up and place your headset back in your pocket. Excited by this news, you decide to go to a nearby coffee house and sit down. You place your phone on the table facing the wall, on the projected large screen you can browse the web through the coffee house wifi, you use the motion sensing track pad of the laser keyboard to browse as your would on a laptop, you read the news your friend told you about while you sip your cappuccino. There is a demo of a new game you wanted to play, it's 500mb, so you download it to your watch SD card. You decide to email a few other friends about the news, so using the laser keyboard projected on the desk you fire of a short email to three friends and then slip the phone back in your pocket and go about your day. No problems spilling your cappuccino in the keyboard either.

Now all of these things can be done with an iphone palm eeepc etc. I stress there is nothing new here, other than a nice display and portable keyboard that blink into existence when you press a button and don't weigh you down. What can I say I like big displays and big keyboards. and if we can project them from our mobile phone why not?

Here are some links which illustrate the real world tech which supports that my vision is already a technological possibility.

laser keyboard in action

So I am begging, please make my little dream gadget, I think there might be a market besides me, i could be wrong, what do you think?

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